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I am not a raw vegan.

It seems like every website I've found offers an all-or-nothing approach to living healthy - either I have to be a size 0, workout-loving, raw vegan, or I have to be an obese, processed-food-loving, couch potato.  I'm neither of those, but I am making daily efforts to live healthier. 


Someone actually told me, "You're the healthiest big person I know," and I totally took it as a compliment! When people who don't know me look at me, they don't know that I've had hypothyroid issues for over 20 years (which leads to weight gain), they don't know that I've dealt with depression for over 25 years (which totally leads to weight gain), and they don't know that I really am trying harder than the average person to choose healthier options. They don't know that I'm not diabetic, I don't have heart health issues, I don't have cholesterol issues, I don't have joint pain, I sleep well, and I feel good most of the time... so I must be doing something right.


I called this website "Living Healthy-er" because some of my choices involve things like baking cookies; we all know cookies aren't inherently healthy, but if I can make them with significantly less sugar or use wheat flour instead of white flour (while still making them taste delicious), I can call my cookies "healthy-er."  In other words, if you know you're the type to still eat cookies, why not make homemade cookies instead of buying something processed from the store?


Living healthy-er is about avoiding things like cancer and auto-immune diseases (or learning how to fight them naturally), it's about accepting yourself for where you are, and it's about living happily. Don't get me wrong, I'm sure some raw vegans are very happy, but *I* would not be happy living that way.


My goal for this website is to have everyone realize that we don't have to choose one extreme or the other - that we can make changes to our everyday choices that won't cause our families to cringe.  Some of those choices are simple like an ingredient replacement.  Other choices are bigger like choosing to have a toxin-free home.


Just like La Leche League taught me many years ago: take whatever works for you and leave the rest.  Every step you take toward living healthy-er is a step toward a longer, healthier, happier life for you and for your family.


I wish you the best on your own health journey!



I am an advocate for real healing!


I graduated from Westminster College in Salt Lake City with a BSN degree in 2004, Cum Laude. I have wanted to help others from at least the age of four when I took care of my stuffed animals and provided 4-year-old health care on my siblings and peers.


I am a healer and love to help others have improved health and wellness. We are what we eat, and can have huge improvements in our health by removing toxins from our homes, cleaning products, and products we put on our skin. I have found that most people like to take control of their health, find things that actually work, and make a positive impact on there family’s health and wellness.


Even though I am progressing on my own journey, I am still working on several tough problems in my life. I hope that you may learn from my mistakes, my knowledge and practical application from actual experience in my professional nursing career. 


Happy Healing!






We don't like the idea of bombarding you with advertising. Instead, we fund our efforts by receiving a nominal financial reward when someone purchases a product we have recommended using the links we provide. We only endorse products we have thoroughly researched, successfully proven, and that we would use on ourselves and on our own family members.

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